Crazy Crazy world:
Today while reading newspaper I came across many news which were
Can you comment on these?
Nguyen,21, a Vietnamese youth who was drinking with friends in Hanoi, when he showed his pals an old detonator he had found. Nguyen announced it couldn’t possibly explode. His friends disagreed. To prove his point Nguyen stuck the detonator in his mouth and plugged its dangling wires into a 220 volt electrical socket. He died instantly.
Christian from Rushinga, Zimbabwe. Elephants have been trampling his maize field and so he decided to fight back by raiding an old minefield near the Zimbabwe-Mozambique border. By purloining a few land mines and planting them around his maize he would soon deter the elephants. He dug up five mines exposed by recent heavy rains and began carrying home. Unfortunately, he dropped one, again with fatal, instant results. He died.
This one is hilarious….
A woman in northwest England who rushed to hospital with tummy trouble, fearing she had eaten a dodgy kebab, was shocked to give birth instead. Helen Smitham =, 25, had no idea she was pregnant when she complained of feeling a bit rough – with an iffy kebab thought to blame. She gave birth so quickly that doctors did not even have time to tell her that she was expecting.

best regards, nice info
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