Monday, February 12, 2007

12 Feb 2007

After a big gap I am back in the blogger’s world. I hope people remember me.
Thanks to anonymous spammers who use to post comment on my blog reminding me of ‘Nomadic Thoughts’. Therefore I have decided not to delete their spam comments.

Last couple of months had been too busy for me. I am now looking after totally new software functionality, which deals with Tenders and Auctioning. Now I am a very slow learner. As soon as I took this project in my hand I was told to shift to Bhopal and learn entire Tendering process for a PSU for which we were making software. Tendering for me initially was a very simple process. Just make Tender for a particular material inviting different parties to bid for it. When the bid has come just open it and give the contract to the one who suits the best. But when I started studying the process I came to know that Tender making process itself has to go from numerous stages and bureaucratic process. Then the process of inviting bids online and opening is more complicated. So we mapped the entire process of this PSU and made the software and when I was just heaving a sigh of relief I was given next assignment to prepare demo for another PSU, which has totally different method of procuring materials through Tenders. Thank god demo and presentation is postponed.

Since I have time lets see what are Ashley,Ganga and Basanti doing these days.


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Virdi said...

arre yaar... sahi mein... Madras, B'lore, bombay, Calcutta, all places have become so crowded...

the government should do large scale Contraceptives ka advertisements... horrible population we have...

At 5:07 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

I am so glad you found some time to post! I was worried that everyone I know around the world was being overworked (like you and me!). We have to keep in touch.


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