India this week
So lets see what was hot this week in newspapers. The most important recent news is that MJ Akbar is no more Editor in Chief of Asian Age newspaper.I loved to read his bylines and articles in newspaper and frequently used to visit his blog.This is black day for journalism.
"..ON THE morning of March 1, MJ Akbar — founder editor of The Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle and a legend in his time — was driving to work when he was overtaken by a flurry of messages on his Blackberry asking him to check his paper’s masthead: his name had gone missing overnight, replaced with that of T. Venkatt Ram Reddy, the publisher.
57-year-old Akbar was not surprised, simply distraught. The dignity and grace with which he had wanted to exit had died its chance. But, in a sense, 30 years in the business should’ve been subconscious preparation. In standoffs between management and editors, the latter have always taken the ignominous cuts. Arun Shourie. BG Verghese. Dileep Padgaonkar. VK Narasimhan. The list of illustrious scalps before Akbar is long, yet the complete absence of ceremony with which he has been ousted is one more body blow to the waning institution of the editor. Unfortunately publications, too often now, are known more for their numbers than their personalities and Akbar is one of the last of a breed who valued voice and teeth and bite and other such fading journalistic grails..."
57-year-old Akbar was not surprised, simply distraught. The dignity and grace with which he had wanted to exit had died its chance. But, in a sense, 30 years in the business should’ve been subconscious preparation. In standoffs between management and editors, the latter have always taken the ignominous cuts. Arun Shourie. BG Verghese. Dileep Padgaonkar. VK Narasimhan. The list of illustrious scalps before Akbar is long, yet the complete absence of ceremony with which he has been ousted is one more body blow to the waning institution of the editor. Unfortunately publications, too often now, are known more for their numbers than their personalities and Akbar is one of the last of a breed who valued voice and teeth and bite and other such fading journalistic grails..."
This week was also week of flip flops. Bal Thackeray in his editorial in his mouth piece Saamna had told Amitabh Bachchan to learn lesson from Rajnikant,who took part in hunger strike in Chennai for support of Tamil Nadu on Hogennkanal issue.In his mouthpiece Bal Thackeray advised Amitabh Bachchan to give priority to the region where he lives and not from where he hails.
Seeing that Manse will take this as another opportunity to target Shiv Sena alleging that they Shiv Sena is saying what Manse has already told, Bal Thackeray told that he never told anything wrong about Amitabh and it was media that twisted things.Huh...he thinks people are fool.
Another episode that deserves place in hall of fame for flip flops is that of Sanjay Dutt and Manyata.Sanjay Dutt and Manyata got married and presented themselves in front of media after marriage.Later court told that marriage is illegal as Manyata has not yet given divorce to her ex Husband Miraj. When asked about this Sanjay Dutt told that he has not married Manyata they just had live-in relation between them.
In recent times India has not been safe for females. Increased number of violence against women is something that Indians should not only worry about but also feel shame of. On news channel I just saw a mob beating a girl in public in presence of Police in Delhi.There has also been increase in number of cases of foreign tourists being targeted by goons.
Men were not enough that monkeys in India also jumped in fray to harass women.This monkey desperately needs a woman. Why? Read yourself.

Last week long forgotten girl Gudiya died.Gudiya had hit news last year when her husband,who was in Indian Army during Kargil war,in true bollywood style came back after been disappeared for five years.After her husband didnt come back for years she got married to another man.A movie is being made on her.Click on the news article to read her entire story.

Now something from other countries. This news was a bit sad.This girl should have definitely build a career in some other field.

Now I have a dreaded fear of Cockroaches and Pigeons.But definitely I wont run naked on street after seeing one.May be after seeing this man naked Rat would have developed dreaded fear of men....specially the ones who are naked.

yeah yeah yeah. One more survey. This time survey shows that men are dumb enough to not to understand efforts of women to seduce him.This I find hard to digest.In another such research once I read that on an average Men undress their female colleague within fifteen minutes after they are introduced for first time.Not in reality but in their thoughts.

isnt there some kinda quiz thing @ there in tcs/citi..
I dont think so...Never heard.
Though there are Quiz competitions sponsored by companies.
Ok, so about Gudiya -- it says she died of multi-organ failure. Did someone poison her?? It is unclear what caused her death. Very sad, indeed. Also, I thought Sanjay Dutt would be in prison right now. No? No more trials for buying guns from terrorists?
Finally, regarding tourists being harrassed by goons -- I only encountered it in Gwalior. It was very scary. My driver and my husband nearly had an altercation with some college aged boys who wanted to harrass me at the fort. Other than that, everyone was incredibly kind and considerate everywhere I have visited India.
I dont think so there is any consipracy involved in Gudiya's death.She became famous due to the catch-22 situation she faced.
Yeah...Sanjay baba is out on bail.I dont exactly remember the court verdict but he is not acquitted of all the charges.
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