Dandiya season is over and now I am back to work and studies.On the last day of Garbha I dared to play dandiya with small kids of my society.While I was dancing with them I saw one kid was a bit scared and was hitting with dandiya stick very slow.In dandiya u dance in circles and the pair with whom ur are dancing keeps on changing. So when the turn of this kid came to dance with me I told him not to fear,be cheerful and hit hard with dandiya stick.My words rejuvenated him and with all his power and might he raised his hand to hit on my dandiya with his stcik.In the excitement his hand lost his direction a bit and he hit hardly on my fingers......rest is the history.
For 2 days I wasnt able to write anything and wasnt able to use my hand to eat food.
One of the days of Navratri I went to Goregaon Sports Complex where my hostel friends were supposed to come.I had not met them for a long time.So myself and Amardeep went there.See my college champaks in traditional gujrati costumes.

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