Friday, October 20, 2006

When Abhi met Rimpa

Everyone in my family is busy these days. Last week my sis got job and she has decided to shift in a new city for work. I and my brother spent most of the time out of home due to work or some other reason. At that time my sister was the only companion of my mother. Now when she is not there my mother is feeling too lonely at home. She has no one to discuss the plots of Ekta Kapoor soaps, rumours going around society and give opinion about the saris which my mom purchases every month. Last Sunday my sister shifted to Pune. My mom was missing her too much so on Tuesday she packed her bags went to Pune to meet my Sis with Dad.

When no one is there at home you don’t feel like coming home after work.Last Saturday I met Rimpa. We were meeting for the first time. I met this mahan aatma after lots of efforts. It took 5 to 6 cancelled meetings (which earned me sobriquet of ‘Ditcher’) and months of planning to bring us together on one table. If I wouldn’t have met this lady then u people must have seen me lying in corner of Leelavati hospital and Rimpa in Thane jail. After constant threats from her I finally met her.

Rimpa is younger sister of S of my engineering college. In our engineering college friends circle everyone knows her and also she is best friend of most of them except me. I had heard lot bout her but never got opportunity to talk or to meet her. Last month one of our common friends introduced both of us.

As the story goes ahead….
It was decided that we will meet at Matunga station.
In Mumbai if people decide to meet then 90% probability is there that they will decide to meet at a local railway station. And if they decide to meet at local station then 99.99% probability is there that they will meet under railway indicator.

At the decided time I reached Matunga and sat on a concrete bench waiting for her. 11.30 was decided time and slowly clock ticked to 11.45 but there was no trace of this lady. I called her to know the reason for her esteemed late arrival. She told that she has reached Matunga station and is waiting for me there. Bewildered I got up and tried to spot her on the station. We had not seen each other in person. At that moment I realised there are two railway stations named Matunga. One is of Central railway and other of Western. We both were waiting on two different Matunga stations. I called her again and told her that I will come to Matunga Central station which was 15 mins away from Matunga Western Station.

This great lady was waiting for me on railway bridge with her two friends.

She was thinner than my expectations and came to know why everyone calls her ‘dandi’(It means Stick in hindi). Then she had her bye-bye-session with her friends. I wonder why girls yell when they say good bye to their friends. There was something more. She embraced her two friends, who were comparatively well built than her. As her friends took her in their arms I prayed for rimpa’s bones. Thankgod they were safe.

Rimpa is such a chweeet girl. She looks like a school going girl rather than University student. And her typical giggle on my Pjs were….uffff.
She took me to an Udipi hotel for which Matunga is famous. I had strongest coffee of my life there. We chatted, discussed, debated on all the nonsense useless issues in the world. After coffee we both ordered masala dosa. I was amazed at her Body to food consuming ratio. She eats stuff almost equal to her weight!!!. Ufff….kitna khaati hai yeh. Then we took stroll in the area around Wellinker college and Hindu colony. If anyone wants to navigate the area around Matunga then catch this girl. She knows each and every building in Matunga along with its ancient History and geography. Uffff….kya kya maloom hai usko. After hanging around for an hour or so we stopped at a book shop and surfed through the books. Then she took me to a Birdy’s , a cake shop. After eating Masala Dosa and having coffee I didn’t feel like eating anything but she insisted me to have a cake. Rimpa hungrily devoured entire cake in seconds leaving me stunned with amazement.
There is one thing that I liked about her too much. She is different from other girls….after eating in restaurant she insists on paying bills herself and is first to remove her purse. (this is one important reason to hang around with rimpa). She is not like other girls who go on raising restaurant bills and think that its moral responsibility of boys to pay them.

More than 5 Kms of walk and heavy over eating.....Atlast Abhi met Rimpa.


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