Last week I,SG,MD and GK went to Landmark book shop in Kormangala. This is the place where I love to spend time more.I can be in this place for whole day and yet not get bored.I went to the book shop to purchase some new books on Business. But I spent most of the time in religion and philiosophy section.Finally I choose 2 books to purchase this time.

The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant.
I wanted to purchase this book long time back.But always purchased some other book.I had once read this book at my friends place then made up my mind that I will buy it.This book nicely gives detail how philosophy evolved from the times of Aristotle to Kant.

A Brief History of everything:
While browing through books I came across this one.I read few pages of this book and decided to purchase it.I have started reading this one.Intially the book talks about nature of Male and Females and the effect of Testosterone and Oxytocin on them respectively
We had mock interviews in our college.It was basically to groom us so that we can face corporates confidently and in correct manner during placements.First round of interview was taken by our college faculty last week and second round happened today.For both the rounds I got almost fair feedback.Just I need to work hard more so that there is no margin for error.Today's interview was funny.The interviewer was lady who trying to act as if she is getting bored.During interview she asked me to crack a joke.She tried not to laugh(to show she is bored)...but couldnt help laughing once joke got over.Her feedback...." are cool guy...chilled.Just stay focussed".:D
I have opted for Six Sigma training.Six Sigma is process or set of tools to control quality in companies.The classes for it will be held from 9AM to 6PM.I joined for this course to put something worth mentioning in my CV.Later I came to know the students who are not part of this training will get holidays for 4 days!! The moment I came to know I tried to find out if we can get refund of advance money paid.
Groups are already formed for this training.I happen to be weakest link of group formed(as usual).GN is the only cool guy in group.Mr XYZ took liberty to divide the students in groups according to their specializations. Many people were upset over the fact that this gentleman smartly put 2 girls from junior batch in his group and convienently divided many couples.
Work for placement season is on in college.Half of the class is running around calling companies to hire students from our college.It is said that economy is recovering, but still we doubt whether companies will hire.Hope so things go fine.